

Hypion GmbH
Hamburg Hof 3
25746 Heide
+49 431 221 800 90

Register entry

Register court: Pinneberg
Registration number: HRB 14078 PI

VAT identification number

DE 316 835 298

Managing Director

Harro Possel

Web development

FARGO Design GmbH


The following applies to all links contained on this website: It is expressly declared that there is no influence on the design, contents and the respective internet presentations to which reference is made directly or indirectly by a link. As a precautionary measure, we expressly distance ourselves from all directly or indirectly linked websites and do not adopt their contents as our own. No responsibility is assumed for contents resulting from links.
The content of our web pages is protected by copyright. The distribution, duplication, modification or storage of content and data, in particular of images, texts and parts of texts, requires the prior consent of the author.

Responsible for the content according to paragraph 55 II of the broadcasting treaty

Harro Possel
Rendsburger Landstraße 196-198
24113 Kiel